Therefore, it is time to get smart at this final stage and maximize your marks with the following tips.
1. Stop acquiring further informaton, and shift your focus to improving your presenation. Remember the “R”s : Read, Retain, Recapitulate, Reproduce, (w)Rite, and Revise. The time for Reading is up.
2. Focus now on “retaining” and “recapitulating”. The best way is to go chapter by chapter, trying to recollect the points and diagrams, mostly with the book closed, taking a peep into it once in a while when you get stuck.
3. Take a mock test. You will find that your sequence of thoughts, hand writing, writing speed, time management, and many more such issues are quite out of tune as you have been only reading, and not writing, in the last few weeks. This mock test will be of immense help to get you the practice of writing again, so that your hand does not pain or go into cramps during the main examination.
4. Practice diagrams and label them. They are crucial for science students. Remember that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, and fetches more marks.
5. Timing needs to be sensible. You should attempt every question so that the examiner has a chance to give you marks, no matter how less. If you have not attempted a question you cannot expect anything but a zero.
6. Make your answer sheet appealing to the examiner. Number your answers, indent your paras, mention points indicating each one with a number or alphabet, underline key points, and label your diagrams. Your answer paper should look neat, legible and attractive. Marks are given for the number of points mentioned and not for number of written pages. If your command on the language is poor, write points in telegraphic language rather than write full prose and create a bad impression with too many grammatical mistakes.
7. Keep your pen box and admit card ready the night before.
8. Catch at least 6 hours of sleep and have a good breakfast before you leave for the exam.
9. Saying a silent prayer helps.
Give it a spirited try, as you would in a crucial game, and hope for the best. Remember that it is just an exam, and that there is a life beyond exam. Many, like Sachin or Bill Gates, had not done well in exams, yet succeeded in life.
As published in HT City (Hindustan Times) dated 27 February , 2011.
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