A chief hurdle in controlling bullying in schools, as
illustrated by students of Lucknow Public School, Janakipuram,, is the victim’s
diffidence and lack of courage to complain.
But are the victims really to blame? Victims of bullying are
usually the most timid and innocent of the lot, and it requires sensitivity to
understand why they prefer to suffer silently rather than raise their voice in
protest. The harsh truth is that they feel uncertain about the sincerity and
ability of their teachers and parents to protect them from the retaliation from
their tormentors.
At the core of the issue, therefore, is the question “ How
far are we prepared to go to protect a child who has dared to complain against
a bully?”. Also, we need to remember that there are 20 others watching from the
wings the fate of the first whistle-blower to decide what they should do.
Parents should be suspicious of schools that deny outright of
bullying as a problem in their premises. Knowledge of the spectrum of human
behavior tells us that in our age of increasing aggression, violence and
frustration, it is too good to be true.
What should in fact inspire confidence is if the school
management has an Anti-bullying policy in place. This should first ensure
complete confidentiality and protection of the victim who has dared to
The next step is to have a child counsellor or psychologist to
evaluate the bully, understand the cause for his aggressive behavior, counsel
him, and discuss the problem with his parents to find a lasting change.
Counselling is not always an easy job. Parents of bullies are
often aggressive themselves, as hostile behavior often runs in genes, and tend
to defend their kids.
Merely rebuking or punishing the bully can be
counter-productive; it often shifts the scene of violence from inside the
school premises to outside, making it even more hazardous.
Bullies are not strong healthy people that they portray
themselves to be. They are weak within, with desperate need to cover their
sense of “inferiority” with a strong exterior cover. They have often being
victims of bullying themselves, either at school, or at home by frightful
dominating parents.
It is time that the administration of all schools and
colleges took cognizance of this malady and evolved steps to address and tackle
it effectively. With the efforts of HOPE (Health Oriented Programs and
Education) Initiative, the march against bullying has finally begun.
As published in HT City ( Hindustan Times) dated 16 December, 2012.
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