Stress is undoubtedly rising steeply in these COVID times, not just due to fear of contracting the virus, getting proper treatment, social stigma that it may bring, or surviving the infection, but now to a newly added cause: exhaustion and despair from waiting almost endlessly for it to go away!
Yes, it is no small concern. Last week during a video consultation, a young 25-year-old girl broke down and described anxiety, palpitations, sleeplessness, constant fear, exhaustion, and a feeling of deep despair stemming from the endless wait for life to get back on track. She complained further of a constant feeling of impending doom and collapse that was driving her to wonder if life was worth living any longer.
Coping behavior seems to vary between individuals, but patience is certainly running out for many who had believed that the wait would be a 2-week affair. And now that the wait has crossed 4 months with no end still in sight, many minds are reaching snapping point!
She is not alone. Many people are in this league, as frequency of anxiety attacks, depression and suicides are climbing.
Some people are however managing to cope and weather this phase rather well. Let us see what they are up to and if we could help ourselves too.
1. Many are turning to creative hobbies such as sketching and painting, channelizing their anxieties into positive calming activities. I am planning to start a virtual meeting platform to bring some of them together, to enable them to meet, and share with each other, and describe how they are venting their anxieties through art.
2. Some are taking to writing. I was surprised when a 63 year old workaholic doctor cousin whose unmarried son was “trapped” in Mumbai for 2 months, found his outlet through writing short stories…many based on the nostalgic memories and fragrances of his younger days. It helped him survive the helplessness and frustration of the painful wait, and probably avert a heart attack too.
3. Music is turning out to be a very useful outlet. A visit to any of the social media sites nowadays gives me the impression that everyone is singing …and posting their talents every day. I honestly did not know that so many could sing, but it is encouraging and tempting to focus on tunes and melody…a very good way to bust your stress and take mind off the painful question “HOW MUCH LONGER?”
4. Amazon and Kindle are doing brisk business selling books… from romantic stories to self-development guides to stress management strategies…many are utilizing this “waiting time” to keep their calm and utilize the time learning new things.
5. God(s) of all faiths are busy responding to knocks on their door with a frequency they had not heard for a long time…(.I do not mean visits to places of worship) People are turning to higher cosmic powers through prayers to gather strength in fearful times especially when their kin are falling ill.
6. Counsellors and psychiatrists are having a field day offering consultations on video platforms, prescribing calming medicines to anxious patients or those in deep despair, and training them in tricks and hacks to control their minds.
It is time you too jumped in a discovered a new aspect of your own self while WAITING!
very useful article Sir this article will guide many people who are confused