A good night’s sleep, so essential to rest your body and mind, and restore ‘energy” and vitality, is becoming a casualty for many these days. Last week a 58 year old lady complained that she woke up with a startle in the middle of the night dreaming of “drugs”, something she had never been exposed to all her life. Another reported a nightmare in which he felt someone was “strangulating” him by tightening something around his neck, till he woke up feeling choked! Yet another reported dreaming that he was in an ICU of a hospital with PPE draped figures surrounding his bed while he was being prepared to be hooked to a ventilator. Bad dreams can be disturbing to say the least. One wakes up with a startle or in sweat, feeling disturbed and uneasy, and feeling drained. The mood in the morning is usually uneasy and snappy. Creative thinking has usually gone for a toss…postponed to yet another day when one feels more cheerful and positive. Several factors could be contribu...
Thanks to Hindustan Times' HT City Lucknow, I rediscovered the joy of writing as I do the "Health Adda" Column every Sunday.It is a platform that deals with contemporary health issues that touch our lives, our family and society.I have put the "Health Adda" articles on this blog for you to read at leisure.If you find any one interesting, become a Health Ambassador, and send it to someone you care for.I look forward to your valuable comments and suggestions that will help me serve you better.