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Traumas of the Mind

Unexpected disasters, natural or man made, are getting commoner by the day and failure to address the emotional trauma and psychological impact of survivors such as the relatives of road traffic accident victims, often leaves a glaring hole in people’s lives and personalities.

For most of us, it would be impossible to imagine the emotional trauma and agony of those who have seen loved ones been dragged away by flood waters or buried alive by landslides, or perhaps even worse, just missing! How and what can be done for them?

I was watching the TV interview of one of the relatives of a recent RTA victim and was saddened to hear how the lives of the family members had had been catapulted since the young man’s death.

At the outset it is important to know the sequence of reaction that a traumatised person goes through. The first stage is one of denial or disbelief at the suddenness of the upheaval. It is followed usually by anger, often directed at people around, government, at oneself or even God.

The 3rd stage is of emotional bargaining. A typical thought in this phase is “Why did it have to be my son and not me?”

The 4th is of depression: that deep sense of loss, hollowness and despair.

It is only in the 5th stage that one accepts, and begins to cope by trying to pick up the broken pieces of life.

Psychological support is now accepted as an essential component of disaster management in developed countries. A lot can be achieved by rushing trained counsellors to survivors in addition to moving stranded people to safety, providing shelter, food and water, helping re-unite families and friends, and providing accurate information.

The setting of natural disasters does not provide the luxury of “one hour on the couch” kind of psychological counselling, says a young counsellor, who feels the goal needs to be supportive rather than therapeutic at this stage. The way best way to deal with victims in such occasions is to listen with empathy, and legitimise their feelings. If someone is angry for instance, it is best to say “ I can understand. I would be angry too”.

What often works well is for people to realise that they are not alone in their grief. They often find solace in sharing their experience with fellow victims in relief camps, with disaster counsellors, NGO workers, religious heads and with doctors.

Some need medicines to cope with anxiety and depression. Networking with fellow sufferers can really help. Is it not amazing that families of the Upahar cinema fire tragedy of Delhi or the Air India crash over the Atlantic that occurred several decades ago, have still stuck together?

Wounds of the mind take long time to heal, and often never do for the rest of life. The government, police, judiciary and NGOs need to be sensitive and keep psychological support in mind in its long term rehabilitation program.


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