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Coffee and Health

The buck-you-up cup that gets us going in the morning has indeed survived intense scientific scrutiny for 20 years regarding its health safety, and has emerged largely unscathed with, in fact, some benefits to claim instead. A recent study showed that moderate coffee drinkers were less likely to develop liver cirrhosis, degenerative brain disorders, and heart disease.

Scientists, still groping for a cause of the enigmatic Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative condition of the brain that wipes off its victim’s memory and higher mental functions, were surprised to find that those who drank 3-5 cups of the brew a day had a lower chance of having the disease. A similar “protection” was also seen from another degenerative condition of the nerves and brain, called Parkinson ’s disease.
Coffee, a drink made from brewing beans of the coffeacute plant, contains several chemical compounds that affect the human system. Apart from caffeine, the main constituent that provides its stimulant effect, it contains a wide range of other substances, anti-oxidants and minerals such as zinc, selenium and copper.
Coffee is widely believed to have originated in the Arabian Peninsula where its use can be traced to as early as the 15th century. It was introduced many years later into Europe, the Americas and the rest of the wold. It came to India around the 17th century when 6 coffee pods were planted near Mysore. The ensuing cultivation and consumption of coffee in the region saw the ushering in of the “kapi” culture that is so prevalent in the south.
The short term effects of the drink are well known; it “stimulates” the brain, helps fight sleep and increases urination. Over-stimulation may cause anxiety, sleeplessness, palpitations, rise in blood pressure and increased blood sugar levels through the release of stress hormones, epinephrine and cortisol. The risk of stillbirths may be increased with excess use during pregnancy, and anaemia may occur due to coffee interfering with absorption of iron in the gut.
Population studies however show a lower frequency of a variety of diseases among regular moderate coffee drinkers.They are less likely to develop gallstones, dental caries, gout and show lower risk of heart disease, hypertension, migraine and diabetes. Anti-oxidants in the drink probably account for most of these benefits, as do the minerals selenium and zinc, in protecting against diabetes by stimulating the pancreas.
Coffee drinking is churning society too, widening the rift between the “classic” filter-coffee lover, and the new- age young aficionado who can confidently have his pick from the mind-boggling variety that a coffee-bar menu now offers: cappuccino, latte or expresso, Arabic, Brazilian or Indian, large, moderate or small, decaf or normal, hot or iced, with or without sugar etc, his nonchalance often assuming a style statement.
Coffee drinking is clearly evolving, offering a type of drink, a place and a style for everyone and every occasion.
How did you have your morning cup?


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