Stones form quite commonly in the gallbladder. Of
every 100 adults walking on the streets in northern India, stones will show up
in the gallbladder in atleast 5 of them if they are all subjected to an
ultrasound test. This figure goes up to around 15 in Western Europe and
America. Highest prevalence of gallstones has been reported in a tribe of Pima
Indians (native Americans), 75% of whom are affected by the age of 35.
Why stones form in the gallbladder of some
individuals is still not clearly. Medical students are often taught the risks
of 6 Fs: fat, females, forty, fair, fertile and those having a family history.
Though females are more often affected than their male counterparts, and
fatty people indeed more often have stones, they need not have to be fair
anymore to qualify for having them!
Gallstones usually appear yellowish or whitish
and are composed of cholesterol. They form due to excess amounts of this sludgy
material that the liver excretes in the bile. Around 15% of stones however are
black in colour, and consist of a black pigment formed from the breakdown of
Medical scientists distinguish 2 types of stones:
the naught ones that come to attention by causing severe pain, and the silent
ones that are picked up incidentally. The “painful” ones are likely to cause
pain repeatedly, and are best removed by surgery.
Doctors seem divided in their opinion about how
to deal with “silent” gallstones. Dr Gracie had followed up a group of 200
Americans with silent stones for several years in the 1980s, and found that
only 18% developed pain in their lifetime. In other words, 82% went through
life harbouring stones without any problems. The conservative group therefore
feels that silent stones are best left alone, unless they start giving trouble.
The aggressive group on the other hand, composed
mainly of itchy-handed surgeons, recommend that stones are best removed before
they get to cause trouble. They site rates of potentially serious complications
such as pancreatitis (1%) and cancer (0.6%) and argue that the benefit of
laparoscopic surgery in modern time far outweigh its risk. Why live with the
constant worry that the stone may slip one day or the gallbladder may turn
A senior lady doctor who had sought my
consultation for silent gallstones a few years ago finally underwent surgery
and got her gallbladder with stones removed. “I don’t have to worry about them
everyday anymore”, she told me when she met me at a party!
As published in HT City ( Hindustan Times) dated 15th July, 2012.
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