The importance of common salt, essential not just for life but for good health especially in hot times is unfortunately often overlooked. The balance and concentration of sodium in our body, is one of the most delicately monitored and finely tuned body functions and is kept constant concentration of 0.9%. Salt , also known as table salt, or rock salt is a crystalline mineral that is composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl) , a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of ionic salts . It is essential for animal life in small quantities, but is harmful to animals and plants in excess. Salt is one of the oldest, most ubiquitous food seasonings and salting is an important method of food preservation . The taste of salt (saltiness) is one of the basic human tastes . Most people expect a straight flat answer to the question “ How much salt should we consume each day?”. The National Academy of Sciences, ...
Thanks to Hindustan Times' HT City Lucknow, I rediscovered the joy of writing as I do the "Health Adda" Column every Sunday.It is a platform that deals with contemporary health issues that touch our lives, our family and society.I have put the "Health Adda" articles on this blog for you to read at leisure.If you find any one interesting, become a Health Ambassador, and send it to someone you care for.I look forward to your valuable comments and suggestions that will help me serve you better.