is the commoner one, and claims around 2 million lives globally every year,
especially from developing regions. Children are more susceptible, and once
grossly dehydrated, often find it impossible to regain health.
and signs of dehydration include fatigue, headache, low BP, dizziness,
fainting, dry mouth and reduced amounts of concentrated urine. It is often precipitated
by an attack of vomiting or loose motions, or sometimes, a fast. Drinking large
amounts of water (around 6-15 glasses a day) and increasing the intake of salt (through
pickles, papads, salted nimbu paani or lassi) are the cornerstones of
prevention and treatment.
hot air also tends to dry up or dessicate the nose and skin. Sunscreens are not
of much help here as they protect only from sunlight and are not the antidote
for dry hot blasts.Bleeding from the nose is not uncommon; a simple measure is
to smear a moisturizer on your nose membranes. Using a moisturizer on the
exposed parts of the body, especially the face, and ensuring a good intake of
fluids, helps keep the skin in good turgor.
stroke is common during these dry hot spells when the body’s heat regulatory
mechanism fails to maintain a balance between heat production and heat loss. When
the outside temperature grossly exceeds the body’s (370C), we are
unable to dissipate heat into the atmosphere by sweating, panting or passing
urine. Therefore, when the outside temperature is 450C the body
temperature rises causing the person to be pale, hot, irritable, confused or
unconscious. Children and elderly are at greatest risk, as are athletes,
construction workers, labourers or miliatary recruits.
stroke, as it is called, is a medical emergency and requires moving the person
to a cool shaded place, lying him down on the floor or ground, pouring water on
the head and body, placing ice cubes under the armpits and moving him to a clinic
or hospital.
reason why schools and institutions close during the peak summer period is to
protect children and youngsters from getting heat stroke. Further, milder
manifestations of exposure to severe heat causes fatigue, poor concentration,
dizziness, cramps and fainting, when students can hardly be expected to perform
well in scholastics or sports.
hot summers therefore provide a unique opportunity to stay indoors, munch on
salads and cucumber, drink lots of salted nimboo-pani and mathha, swim in the
early mornings or late evenings, and use the major portion of the day to catch
up on all the pending reading.
consoling yourself that whatever goes up must, come down.someday. So will the
soaring mercury!
As published in HT City ( Hindustan Times) dated 20 May, 2012.
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