The main symptom of is a constant and exaggerated sense of tension and anxiety. You may not be able to pinpoint a reason why you feel tense. Or you may worry too much about ordinary matters, such as bills, relationships, or your health. All this worrying can interfere with your sleep and your ability to think straight. You may also feel irritable due to poor sleep or the illness itself.
Body problems that accompany excess worry are muscle tension or pain, headaches, acidity, diarrhea, trembling or palpitations.
What sets GAD apart from normal worries is the feeling that you can't stop worrying. You may find it impossible to relax, even when you're doing something you enjoy. In severe cases, GAD can interfere with work, relationships, and daily activities.
What causes GAD has been the subject of research. Genes passed down through a family may make some people prone, but that's not the whole picture. Scientists think that a mix of DNA, environment, and psychological factors are to blame.
There's no lab test for GAD, so the diagnosis is made based on your description of your symptoms. What do you worry about? How often? Does your anxiety interfere with any activities? You may have GAD if you have been feeling anxious or worrying too much for at least six months.
An extreme form of GAD is Panic disorder, in which one experiences sudden attacks of terror. Symptoms can include a pounding heart, sweating, dizziness, nausea, or chest pain. You may think you're having a heart attack, dying, or losing your mind.
Few simple changes in your habitscan help too. It is best to avoid caffeine and nicotine, and get adequate sleep and rest. Try relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation. And be sure to exercise; there's evidence that moderate physical activity can have a calming effect.
One of the effective methods of treatment by psychotherapy is called cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. A counselor helps you identify your negative thoughts and actions. CBT may include homework, such as writing down the thoughts that lead to excess worry. You will also learn calming strategies.
Medications, called anxiolytics, that relax you help provide a good start. Antidepressant drugs work well to lower anxiety. Usually, a combination of medicatines and CBT work best for most.
If anxiety is spoiling your life, seek help to get it under control, and bring the relaxed smile back on to your face.
As published in HT City (Hindustan Times) dated 4 December, 2011.
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