As has been the case with poliomyelitis, a crippling disease ,caused by a virus. Government’s efforts of making its vaccine available in health centres, alone did not work. What had to be done was to reach out and convince each and every person for administering oral drops to their kids. And who could convince them better than Big B? Television served as the best medium to spread awareness.
Hepatitis B has a similar case. The virus can cause havoc in some of those that it infects. Prompt action can, however, control a lot of potential damage. What is lacking is not the availability of effective and affordable vaccine but adequate awareness among masses.
The World Hepatitis Day celebrated on July 28 was an occasion to do just that.
Picture 1
Those who missed watching the balloon, caught up with it through morning newspapers, which reminded them about Hepatitis
For those who still did not care, radio stations like FM Rainbow and Radio Mirchi poured reminders into their ears through catchy jingles and advertisements several times.
Picture 2
Shoppers who visited malls in the morning too were greeted by students wearing anti- Hepatitis campaign tee-shirts.
Picture 3

Though small, a beginning has been made. I hope readers of this column would not let this day pass without ensuring protection from Hepatitis B for all.
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