Is chronic stress wearing you down, making you anxious or irritable, giving you frquent headaches and preventing you from concentrating? Do you feel exhausted easily, have lost your appetite for food or sex? If so, you've got stress. It is not difficult to recognize, although mnay people who are obviously stressed tend to deny it to themselves, fearing it as an admission of weakness, in their subconscious mind.
Music: Listen to soothing music. Choose anything that triggers a positive image or is soothing. Remember that your brain may have the imprint of the “lori” your mother sang to relax you and put you to sleep when you were small.
Stress is internal, which explains why it can wreak havoc on your health. It feels's the sense that you're not in control. The easiest way to mitigate its effect is to take charge of the one and only thing you have the power to control...YOU, and let go of what you can't control.
Laugh. Laughter really is the best medicine. It is proven to lower tension, and at the same time, improves blood flow and the health of your heart. Rent a funny movie or hang out with that wannabe-comedian pal, and forget about your worries for a while. Joining a laughter club can be transforming.
Socialize. Spending time with friends and family who give you a sense of belonging, purpose, and fun may provide all the stress relief you need. Avoid discussing your woes all the time. It becomes a habit and tyhe mind gets stuck on negative issues.
Get some fresh air. If you are cooped up inside all day, take a few minutes to get outside and see the sun. A little time in the great outdoors can improve your mood and help you relax.
Take a (virtual) vacation: "I close my eyes and visualize being on the mountains in Garhwal," says one of my patients,. "I feel the cool air and hear the distant chyming of temple bells." Day-dreaming at times can be relaxing. It helps to get away from the constant nagging stress of life once in a while.
Develop hobbies: When I write “Health Adda” for instance, I forget my departmental and hospital woes for a while and see health a larger picture of well being.
Breathe deeply and slowly. When we are stressed we tend to take quick and shallow breaths. Ifyou cotrol your breathing, make it deep and slow, it destresses your body. Tat is why “Pranayam” is so helpful and so widely recommended.
Be thankful. Gratitude is a beautiful virtue. Recognize all the wonderful things that you have got, rather than couting those that you did not.
Meditate: As all energy comes from The Boss, connecting with Him periodically can be the best way to recharge yourself.
As published in HT City (Hindustan Times) dated 16 January,2011.
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