When Rahul Saxena (name changed) died recently of liver cirrhosis due to excessive drinking for 20 years, the family blamed the doctors and the hospital for his death. His parents did not blame themselves or their son for drinking away his health. A fleeting mention of his wife for not doing enough to stop him earlier or his friends who gave him company every evening for booze, paled away in the face of the hospital and the doctors who they considered responsible for the tragic outcome. That Rahul was brought to hospital in a critical state having vomited 2 litres of blood did not mitigate their fury. The 10 minutes of delay in the doctor’s attending to Rahul and the one hour time lag for procuring blood for transfusion, they were convinced, caused Rahul’s death and all their problems! In blame transfer or scapegoating, feelings of guilt, blame and suffering are transferred away from a person or group so as to fulfill an unconscious drive to resolve or avoid such bad feelings. This is...
Thanks to Hindustan Times' HT City Lucknow, I rediscovered the joy of writing as I do the "Health Adda" Column every Sunday.It is a platform that deals with contemporary health issues that touch our lives, our family and society.I have put the "Health Adda" articles on this blog for you to read at leisure.If you find any one interesting, become a Health Ambassador, and send it to someone you care for.I look forward to your valuable comments and suggestions that will help me serve you better.