The involvement that most urban Indians have with sports today is to watch it on television or to read it in the papers. We love watching cricket on TV, sometimes bunking office or college to catch it live. Many who were not veteran cricket watchers have taken to it so as not to be left out of party or coffee shop conversation. Watching games together with friends is even more thrilling, as passions rise higher with exchange of expert observations and comments. And chips, pizzas, samosas or nuts to munch during the matches adds that extra dash of fun that make these sessions so interesting, while making us couch potatoes.
In urban India, the focus has shifted from “playing it” to “following it”, Boria Mazumdar style. Amongst youngsters, the question is no longer “What games you play?” but “What is your favourite game?”, the one for which you might rattle figures and show off your GK. You are expected to know how many centuries Sachin has scored in a 50-50, even if you never held a cricket bat. For school kids, palying computer cricket is another way of relishing the game.
It is hardly surprising then that over 10% of urban school children in Lucknow are overweight. In a study undertaken by HOPE Initiative ( obesity was rampant in elite Lucknow urban schools, and correlated well with time spent before the TV screen . It is hardly surprising then that India is becoming the diabetic capital of the world, as obese children grow up and develop this disease . Contrast this with rural schools where none of the 20,000 children surveyed were overweight and where children play their own versions of bat and ball in open fields.
The reasons for not playing are many. Duration of school hours has shotened, and the limited time available is considered to be “better “ utilized for studies. After all, what are schools primarily meant for? Within the class too, there is a division of studious guys who get marks, and the “sports type” who get the runs in interschool meets but do not make to the IITs. Homes are no longer homes with fields around. Gathering a group at a remote field to play cricket is not easy; traffic and security hurdles have to be crossed first. And coaching classes take up the evenings anyway – after all engineer ban na hai na?
Is participation in sports dwindling then? The answer is NO. More youngsters are playing games, but not for fun or to remain healthy, but as a career option making it very competitive. But the overwhelming majority of our urban Indians are content following it in the media. Our national obsession for games has not translated into making most of our urban youngsters actaually play them. Let us welcome the Asian games!
As published in HT city ( Hindustan Times) dated 20 september, 2009.
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