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GM Diet for Weight Loss

In recent times, my growing paunch has become an embarrassment especially when I counsel my obese patients about shedding fat. Hence I have been exploring an easy quick way that would be compatible with my lazy nature, to get back to shape.

I came to know about the GM diet that several people I have now met seem to have tried and found useful. Further it comes with a vegetarian adaptation that can suit most Indians. I understand that it has become the most popular weight losing diet in the country.
The GM diet is named after General Motors company of the USA where it was first developed to help obese employees shed weight, get back a healthy glow and feel energised. It was tested and endorsed by the reputed Johns Hopkins Research Centre.

It is based on a principle of rotating foods on a day to day basis and drinking lots of water to detoxify the body. Its biggest advantage is that it does not make you starve as many diets do.
The expected weight loss is between 2 to 5 Kg in 7 days. Yes, alcohol is forbidden during this period, as also are milk laden tea or coffee and packaged fruit juices.

The week’s schedule goes like this:

Day 1 is the all fruits day when you are expected to eat only fruits of all types, except bananas, mangoes and lichis. Melons and watermelons are particularly recommended, as are guavas. There is no restriction on amount.

Day 2 is all veggies day, when you should subsist on only vegetables: raw, boiled or steamed, and of all varieties. No restriction on quantity except just one potato.

Day 3 is a mixture of days 1 and 2. Except for bananas and potatoes, you can eat a mixture of fruits and vegetables on this day—as much variety and amount as you like.

Day 4: The menu is bananas, milk and soup. You can eat up to eight bananas and three glasses of milk on this day and consume as much of the soup as you like.

Day 5 is a festival day when you can have a tasty meal. You can munch on tomatoes, sprouts and cottage cheese (paneer) or soya chunks. Make a tasty soup with them and drink it. Make sure you increase your water intake on this day.

Day 6: The recommended food for this day is sprouts, cottage cheese and other vegetables excluding tomatoes. The tasty soup and lots of water should help you through your day.

Day 7: On the last day you can have fresh fruit juice, one cup of brown rice or half chapathi and other vegetables you would want to eat.

If you undertake moderate exercise of 15 to 30 minutes a day in addition, the weight loss in 7 days can be impressive. And you can repeat it as often as you wish.
Worth a try for a week to see if it works.


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