I confess that I was never a great fan of the iconic 2-minute instant Maggi noodle but found it strange that this darling of mothers, school-goers, hostel students, travellers and bachelors of several decades should be catapulted so suddenly to a “Gee…it is poison…I wouldn’t give it to even my dog” status and burnt in street corners like effigies of Ravana. What I gather from the press is that a food tester from Uttar Pradesh detected higher levels of lead than the permissible 2.5 parts per million, in the tastemaker concentrate that comes with the noodle pack, raising alarm over possible chronic lead poisoning. Excess lead entering the body can cause harm. Once upon a time when water pipes were made of lead, chronic lead poisoning was not uncommon producing abdominal cramps, anaemia, nerve toxicity (foot drop was a common feature in which the foot could not be lifted off the ground and had to be dragged) and aggressive behaviour. It was also sometimes seen in children who chewed o...
Thanks to Hindustan Times' HT City Lucknow, I rediscovered the joy of writing as I do the "Health Adda" Column every Sunday.It is a platform that deals with contemporary health issues that touch our lives, our family and society.I have put the "Health Adda" articles on this blog for you to read at leisure.If you find any one interesting, become a Health Ambassador, and send it to someone you care for.I look forward to your valuable comments and suggestions that will help me serve you better.