While we may debate whether examinations in our schools and colleges can ever be defanged of their fear factor, there seems to be growing concern that in the present form they induce considerable stress to students. Increasing media reports of young lives being snuffed out by suicide, and the manifold larger number of unreported scars and traumas produced by this annual event should evoke serious concern in us. Stress may not always be bad. Without a dash of “positive” stress, we would not be striving to run or climb in life. Without it, I wonder if any of us would have struggled to reach wherever we have. However, with life getting more and more competitive and we getting more and more ambitious, too much is being perceived to be at stake. “Perform or perish” or “do or die” is the attitude that is assuming center stage in the minds of students, claiming the high price of mental and physical health. Negative stress can be recognized reasonably early and easily. It cause...
Thanks to Hindustan Times' HT City Lucknow, I rediscovered the joy of writing as I do the "Health Adda" Column every Sunday.It is a platform that deals with contemporary health issues that touch our lives, our family and society.I have put the "Health Adda" articles on this blog for you to read at leisure.If you find any one interesting, become a Health Ambassador, and send it to someone you care for.I look forward to your valuable comments and suggestions that will help me serve you better.